
About Me

 Over my twenty-three career of full-time preaching ministry I have accumulated from all kinds of sources a large collection of material that has proven useful as sermon, devotional, and Bible class illustrations In addition, as my capacity as co-editor of BulletinGold I have inherited or collected many excellent "nuggets" that would also prove helpful as illustrations in sermons and Bible classes.  For months I have been troubled that all this material is neatly stored away in filing cabinets and computer hard drives when they could be put to good use by preachers and teachers to help drive home vital lessons from God's Word. One outlet was created through a blog I entitled BulletinGold Extra, where each week an item related to, but not included in the most recent issue of BulletinGold is posted.

To learn more, please visit my personal website <> and Our Bragg Family Blog <>